Monday 2 March 2015

Who told you men should not weep?

“Shut up…. Stop it…stop it” my wife shouted at my two monsters for the third time since they got in the car a minute ago. They continued their fight over the barely charged IPad, while cracking the empty plastic water bottles filling my car. Someone found it difficult to park a few meters away from the ATM so he sieged us and we had to wait. The hysterical screaming continued while the security guard was trying dramatically to pull the ATM worshipper towards his car to set us free. While Iooking for my pain killer pills that I usually toss everywhere, the stout fortune teller that became the latest addition to our circus, street, knocked on the windscreen. “Let me show you, let me show you…your fortune”… Her blackened teeth revealed the usual lazy greasy smile, as her henna dyed hands opened to let three sweat- soaked shells breathe. Her synthetic black dress blocked the view, and the car’s noise swallowed me in a strong whirlpool. A firm hand pulled me out. “This time you have to listen to me” I followed the strong sweet voice helplessly. The vulgar fortune-teller, turned into a luscious stunning creature. The complexion which suffered Cairo’s smog for decades was being washed by golden sun rays. Her hair escaped the tight cheap scarf to fly around a wild angelic face in thick dark tufts. I stared at the buxom woman in front of me, partly nude and partly loosely wrapped by a huge creamy linen cloth. Her mysterious, yet genuine smile complemented the glitter of numerous chunky silver amulets adorning her neck. I had to follow…. Her delicate feet caressed the ground in front of me, that Saharan Medusa dragged me against an eternity of sand dunes. My breathes disappeared in the balmy weather, my steps felt lighter and lighter, till I realized that I was turned into one of Gibran’s celestial creatures. A void within a void polluted only by my thoughts, desires, fears and regrets. Time was not allowed to interfere in this journey. I only had to keep moving in the cloudless curvy ocean of sands, chasing her melancholic hymns . The footsteps stopped by a palm grove, as thick as a vague dream. I looked for her around me, waited for her voice, walked around the palms, and searched for what I didn’t know. “Come…let us sit here”, she leaned on a pile of reddish patterned cushions and stared at a lilac sea. The sea, which seemed turbulent, was softly hushed by her stares. The hymns, the whispers of the waves, the songs of endless birds and her voice danced around my head, which she gently placed on her lap. “ Sshhh …. Just enjoy”….” I’ll tell you everything….. you just have to wait”. All the sounds dissolved in complete silence as she finished her last words. Again a void within a void, that was awaken only by her tears. She sighed, touched my forehead, the abode of my legendary headache, stroked tenderly, and murmured….”my god…there is a lot to say”. Her tears dribbled on my forehead, which she caringly pressed, while singing the saddest tune. “Your soul is full of grief…. You heart is drenched in pain….”. More tears washed my face, more sad tunes filled the air. I looked through her curly hair, towards a violet sky, I searched for my old friend, the arrogant moon. “Stop fleeing…stop hiding” she added while stroking my forehead more and more. The moon glowed on her tears, her sadness covered me, and forced me to weep. A breeze moved her hair exposing the sky to my eyes. I searched for more stars, while waiting for her words. “ Let me push this dirt away…. Your fears, worries…. Your regrets, my god you regrets have endless roots”. My sighs and tears crescendoed, she smiled compassionately and said, “cry, cry…..who told you men should not weep?” Her voice echoed monotonously . Her face spun around me, her hair gathered the stars, hid the moon and scratched my eyes quickly. “Let me show you, let me show you…your fortune” ….”I said stop it, give me that IPad …sshhh…stop shouting” “sorry, I’ll move the car right away”. I gazed at the blackened teeth, the greasy smile, and the synthetic black dress, before looking around and getting the car out of the crammed parking space.

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