Sunday 19 November 2023


 The whole problem was that you wanted to categorize us, lovers, what is our relation? It is not enough, there are constraints, this won’t work, this will never work, no need to continue, it’s better to rationalize things, no need to meet anymore. Your love disappeared suddenly as a shooting star while I was still enjoying the vagueness of the whole situation. Lingering in a beautiful dream, which you have already left. Now we meet, we sit and talk, we eat, we send messages, but are we really friends? I can’t ask, I don’t want to ask lest I lose what remained of us, these meetings. 

 “The more I meet you, the more I need to meet you more”I wanted to send you this message a few days ago, but I didn’t.  I was afraid that you will keep silent, and I started to hate your silence, it’s humiliating. Why do we meet ? I mean why do you offer me such bittersweet encounters? You are not sadistic, I presume, so why…. Do you still love me? Do you still, with all your rationality, have mixed feelings? Am I too frightened to ask, to confront, to claim my rights, my rights in love, in happiness and in belonging to you. I’m weaving a beautiful love story in my imagination, only in my imagination. After every meeting a chapter is added, again, only, in my imagination. I know to where this will lead me,   Madness, total madness, I’m ready, I accept the legitimate fate of real lovers. I love you. 

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