Monday 5 February 2024

You will meet other people


You will meet other people, you will enjoy your life, laugh, sing and dream. I’m happy for you, yes, honestly I’m happy that you are not tortured like me. These are facts and I have to accept them. We were united for a short time, a very short time, it seemed eternity and it seemed mere seconds too. While being together something in me changed for ever. I lost parts of my being, or May be I intentionally left them, and clung to you. The whole experience was surreal, nothing physical, nothing tangible, yet a strange strong unity, that made me realize how incomplete am I. 

I still smile whenever I think of you, I swear I still hear music when you come across my mind, and I pray that I keep enjoying these magical moments till my last breath. Is your love taming me? Teaching me the basics of life, acceptance and surrender? I love you, and nothing more can be said or done. I love you, and that’s the whole story, nothing Ned’s to be added. It seems that we are both lingering in our spheres in two parallel directions, seems that there will never be such transcending encounters again, but they took place, and the change happened. My love is growing and getting mature, I am dropping my human lustful baggage, I am surrendering to pure love, a kind of love that survives only by giving, without any intention of receiving anything in return. I know that you are meeting other people, and may be you remember me while sitting with one of them, may be you consider him funny, funnier than me, may be you will feel attracted to him, may be things develop quickly and smoothly. May be one day you will inform me that you are together, and you did not know how to tell me earlier, May be you will stutter, for the first time. May be! I won’t blame you, I will be happy for you, I will never ask about anything, I will never leave, I will be there as much as you allow me. I will never compare, never judge and never be envious. I may even claim that I will wish you enjoy what I experienced with him. I’m not faking an angelic attitude, no,no, I am just starting to understand what happened, although it is difficult to explain or even to understand. Your love ate me alive, and what remained of me can’t dream, can’t fight and can’t even ask or blame. I am not the lover whom you once united with, I’m just a defeated ghost of what remained of him, and all what I want is to keep being around you. 

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