Tuesday 26 September 2023

You visited me today


It was neither a dream nor a memory. You were as beautiful as you have always been, as caring and understanding as you have always been. Was there a trace of vulnerability in your presence today, or this was my imagination. Your visit was sudden, a quick visit. We were together for a few moments. Your visit was a miracle, and as many miracles, they seem like rewards for believers, and tortures for lovers, I’m both a believer and a lover.

Your visit was short. It shock me and shaken me to realize that nothing and no one can take your love away. Not even you, my love. My love to you will love as long as I am alive. Remember when I teased you about reincarnation? In your usual rational manner you said “ but when you come again you want be you!”. I wanted to say “ I will return back to love you again and again” may be I would have added “ your love needs an infinite number of lives to be enjoyed”. On that day I told you “ all what we got is the current moment”. You laughed and said, “ isn’t this too cheesy?”, of course I laughed in response to your cheerful laughs and told you that the most cheesy quotes are really wise one that people just abused.
But I have more than the current moment, I have your love, I have our memories, and I have my dreams of many lives that should have been lived with you.
Come and visit me again, I will be always waiting, with my smile, no regrets, no blames, nothing but love. Come and visit me whenever you miss me.

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