Saturday 30 September 2023



This is what I have to deal with. Nothing else is left, I told you everything, I recalled all our conversations to my close friends. I dreamt of you, I dreamt of us. I sighed. I cried. Now, all what is left is silence. I am really sad, not numb as I told you earlier, no, I am sad, and I don’t understand what happened, and why. I will shut up; I will not repeat myself over and over again. The right thing is to understand that I will disappear from your life, maybe I will be remembered in a few years by a song, or a joke, and maybe not. That’s it. End of the story. End of a story. Stop talking, stop whining and please stop being and looking pathetic.

Yalla, I will put on any of my masks, a silly one, a serious one, maybe I can use a mask of a busy man, finish some of my piled work. i have always been putting on masks, what is new? Enough, enough of reliving a mirage, I have to wake up and understand that the story came to an end. It did not seem like a one-sided love, but it was. It would have never continued with sheer sacrifices that I am not capable of. Now its time to deal with October depression, and there is no energy to ask about what, why and how?

Enough dreaming, enough talking, enough loving.  


  1. إيه دا !! دا خلاص بجد 😂أنا كنت عاملة حسابي افهم إيه إللي حصل

  2. ممممم....... يا مسهل
