Saturday 23 March 2024

A glimpse of Paradise

 Why am I blaming love or even blaming you? What happened is simply one of the eternal rules of life, its incompleteness. Or maybe we reached the climax of love, of harmony and of happiness, and as you know my love, when things reach their climax this is what happens. A gradual fading would have been more merciful rather than this sudden disappearance.  But since when was life merciful? 

I caught a glimpse of paradise. This is how our love felt, a heavenly feeling that did not suit our diabolic world. It had to be short lived, it had to be immortalized by my pain and I had to pay for the happiness I tasted, even if the price is my sanity. Life is unfair, I know, but how am I supposed to keep going, and why? You took all the colors and melodies with you, you took the real version of me too. All what is left of me is a shadow of what I was, a carcass stuffed by bitterness and sadness. 

They say everything happens for a reason, and apparently they are right. We met, we fell in love and you killed me, may be to detach me from this world, to make me more compassionate or even to spend the rest of your life looking for a love like mine. Isn’t it ironic that I want to call you to tell you how painful your love is? Remember how close we were? These moments were surreal, you can’t deny.  Sometimes I ask god that I vanish, I turn into tears in the eyes of lovers, be their  heart beats when they are about to meet or even dreams, yes I wish I’m turned to dreams, those magical ones where everything is possible and no one uses logic! O my love, how I wish you gave us a chance, how I wish you kept us in our paradise a bit more and how I wish life was not that unfair. 

But you know, I would have never complained if you didn’t love me, but you did, don’t deny that. Are you my mermaid, my Salome, my Medusa? Here I am blaming you again. Please accept my apologies and visit me in a dream soon as you used to visit me many times before.

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