Saturday 23 March 2024


So will we experience the same profound feelings in Paradise ? Or will be numb and happy? Maybe these intense feelings are part of our punishment on earth, a torture tool, to feel the pain, to feel the loss and to remember the loved ones again and again and again. 

But we are together, still together, you never leave me whether I am awake or asleep. You visit me with every song, every breath and every eye blink. They say love is a war where none of the lovers is neither defeated nor victorious, but this is not true. What else could I ask for? I have you with me, our love is growing, it’s taking care of me, guiding me along the paths of compassion, understanding and empathy. There is pain, I can’t deny, legendary pain, but aren’t we all suffering? At least I have you with me to bear the unbearable. 

“I love you so much, your love became my life, and any other emotion, act or thought are just distractors. I honestly understand that you can’t comprehend what I am saying, it took me a while to understand it myself. I know that you are a logical person and my hocus pocus never convinced you, but my love is beyond your logic. Have you thought of breathing as a process, have you ever forced yourself to breathe, have you ever faked it, controlled it, postponed it till you find fresher and healthier air? This is how I love you, as natural as I breathe, and I will always fight to keep breathing, I will always fight for your love.” I wanted to send you this message a few hours ago, but I didn’t. I sent it to the universe as they say, I wrote down, I read it many times, don’t they say that words have powers, I charged them with all my love, all my intentions and all my will. I’m sure my message will reach, one day it will reach you, and surprisingly I am not worried about all the wasted years. I have learned that some moments with you worth a lifetime, and I am optimistic that I will still have a few more moments, a few more lives. 

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