Thursday 28 March 2024

Their world


Let’s forget the whole world, let’s burn it. Burn all the norms, the attachments to others, the obligations, the right and  the wrong. Let us create our own world, a world where the things we don’t like don’t even exist. Was our problem in how to define our relationship? Simply because others created a sacred definition and we have to follow it, this is pathetic. You felt that it will never work,what is this “it”? Why did we paused at defining a kind of relationship, and as you could not find a “logical” one, you burned our world. No, my love, we should have burned their world not ours, we should have created our own rules, but we did not. 

Sometimes I feel ridiculously curious to ask you about your magic. Didn’t you cast a spell on me? Or the magical way by which you stopped loving me. Then I realize that I don’t want this magic, I don’t want to stop loving you. Your love is my new identity and I don’t want to loose myself again. Come to my world, where there is only love. Love is all what we have and really it is all what we need. I have never convinced you of anything, I know, but just give us another chance. After all these months, resurrect your love without all the calculations, precautions and considerations. Being together should not be labeled by a name, we are already together, but you are denying this. I’m faithful to our love, or maybe I’m surrendering to it, simply because it’s too overwhelming. While you resisted it and buried it beneath thick layer of logic and rationality. I assure you that your love is still alive, it’s abandoned, it’s faint but it’s still there. Just give us another chance to live a life of our own creation. 

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